♥ Wednesday, February 28, 2007
just watched zui ai hai shi ni mv. they added the payeasy advert scenes inside. nah.
tyz dont look v good inside. i dont like the suit.
must mention : reb is so damn omg. no next time pls. good luck!
super junior trot. i flipped the pic actually. its suppose to be on heechul's side. haha.
but i want to see eunhyuk and eeteuk more even though heechul is with the princess hairdo that i like.
oh no im damn hooked on to suju now.
cmaths2222222 =(
♥ Tuesday, February 27, 2007
now im considering to postpone the class gathering to mar 17.
any rejections or thumbs down?
end sem papers were killers.
except cmaths1 paper was manageable. pls award me an A or a B at least.
oopg paper was so-so to me, i hope i pass though.
got back my assignment after the paper and i got a C.
considering not all of my own work i think its damn good alr. haha.
met reb after paper. met the long heard of china boy eyecandies.
the pink is the best outta all i guess.
he looks like the guy that jingwen used to like. that wang shuai i mean.
had dinner at tbp then home.
dcnk today is really a gone case lah. agnes er pls be all ready to take dcnk's supp paper.
cmaths2 on thurs. i need to be all ready also lah.
PLS START FROM TONIGHT AGNES ER. (considering my ohsobad maths foundation) =(
met jingwen at town today after paper. had dinner at pepper lunch.
then we talked about all the johnny's nonsense. damn funny though.
kino and commented non halting at all the magazines.
shopped arnd. and im eyeing on this two guess bag now.
new arrival. pink theme i guess.
which one shld i get? but im sucha poor girl man.
pls watch rock go pv by super junior trot. its pure entertainment.
cutest is eunhyuk and eeteuk lah.
not forgetting heechul is now a man.
check out enormous shindong's latest hairdo.
alright byebye blog. shall get going.
♥ Monday, February 26, 2007
tonnes of java more to get into my brain. yet im not doing my job.
i kept suju-ing. all because of rokkuko lah.
im quite pissed when i didnt see donghae inside.
but after watching some past nonsense performance.
i saw donghae singing you are the one.
ALMOST MELTED. haha. alright im not chocolate.
alright need to get back to track. (i hope)

i love this hairdo. donghae can you change back to long hair? HAHAHA. although i think you are already damn hot now. 100degree. ok nonsense.
♥ Friday, February 23, 2007
exams embarking tml for me.
best of luck(S) to those taking papers.
ppl from tp and nyp..
jingwen? reb? and my fellow tp classmates?
and god bless myself. cmaths1 paper tml.
i need to practice more.
im currently arguing with miss reb over luoyi.
he was he was! being really irritating to me. DO YOU RMB?
hurh. regain ur memory pls miss!
craving for shopping. keke.
love story mata hitotsu...
♥ Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i ought to be mugging today(NOW).
but i end up watching 6 episodes of this
hana yori dango 2.
i couldnt stop laughing at jun.
but after watching this, at least im beginning to have a better impression of him.
i seem to have forgotten most of hana1 scenes though. after exams maybe can try digging it out.
hana2 = love sooo sweet.
samm: Let me ask you for the last time, Hanazawa really likes Makino?!
im updated now. at episode 7 =D
couldnt resist from uploading love so sweet as my blog song once again.
another current love: Hoshi-wo Mezashite
samm says im THE news fan. ???????
mug mug mug. when?
oh yeah, blogging about flh's trip totally slip of my mind until i saw the photos at my photobucket account.
lemme do a quick one now. i hope i dont get the sequence wrong though.
huiyi and me went over to airport.
some anonymous was distributing fliers and sudd ask if i stay in yishun because he finds me familiar.
like hey? common look? but i find that guy look like ss1's raymond.
reached and i can feel a litre of water going to overflow, alr at the brim pls. but flh was being really annoying to delay and thus taking so long to even walk a few steps out.
then we had to endure with all the hearing torturings. because of all the fans that i have not seen before. then they kept screaming like as if a fire is breaking out.
and unexpectedly truckloads of yiru's fans were spotted.
ok wuchun, predicted and all. AND YES, we were right. the asshole flew over from brunei. and they went over to another terminal to fetch him.
went over to hotel, roamed over, splurge on food. shopped arnd and realise they went off alr.
so we cabbed over to bugis, uncle alighted us at the exact correct venue and we even reach before other fans do.

and suddenly, it started pouring. but i got so engrossed with seeing the lady scolding to get the fans from taking photos. damn interesting.
then they went to eat at the chinese restaurant at parco bugis. countless mad fans alert.
they took this lift to leave the place. damn funny. i just cant stop myself from patting wuchun since he wasnt aware. and did our signature wave at yalun's face. lol.
then we waited for the last hot guy to come. REB, HOT GUY U KNOW. DONT BE MEAN.
off to rehearse at indoor. i want to watch she's concert man.
hebe was really cute. so miniature when compared on tv.
ate at cafe cartel. drowned in a pool of food till i almost died.
chicken cutlet, wages, chicken cream soup and bread. so omg.
saw ss2 daren. si ah beng smoking outside cine.
then they went sph and will head to 933. so we didnt follow and went home.
hurry mugg a lil' for oopg and slept. deprived of sleep can!
woke up in the early morning just for the damn test. mummy fetched me to sch.
before that fetched dad to ssdc. jammed on the way to sch man.
oopg test. justin was tskkk..
test was rather =( i am really bad at java.
went off, wl brought us to have prata.
had yummy coin prata. =D indian rojak was =( though.
wl fetched me to tb and i trained to habour front to meet samm.
went st james, went in. flh performed and all.
singing was (insert ur own adjective).
they went off in a flash. OH! and zen kept thinking that me and samm are his fans that he almost came over to us. haha! kept staring smmore.
went over to vivo. i had ben and jerry.
was feeling =( and feel like puking because was too full alr.
then went off to town. waited till they come out and i almost fell asleep pls.
yes, we were at the correct position. dadong was =DDD really funny and nice nice.
rather silly though. signature wave at wc and dd s' face. wc was really yummy looking.
yalun was damn HAHAHA! he was limping! jump down need help smmore.
guards were saying dont get near yiru. HAHA. samm and me burst out laughing. like LOL? even if u pay me i will still reconsider.
then heeren, saw a asshole. i really felt >.<. saw jon ng and i hurried turn and walked. went home then samm went to meet reb. reach home and i slept till 10pm. then was pondering whether to go for qing gong. but since the qing gong is going to be at cine. then i was thinking forget it lah.. continue to play tml lah. sunday. they had kbox event. waited for damn long. i really dont know what they were doing man. they came out arnd 5plus. then we went to eat at kobayashi.

cabbed 5 ppl to imm. hahaha.
the crowd was !!!!!! they were queuing the whole circumference of imm pls.
dont ask how we manage to be in the queue. hahaha.
was damn funny man the scene. like how many ppl get to see it.
when ppl CHIONG. lol. was damn chaotic lah.
was feeling damn tired alr but this girl whom i dunno still can play in the crowd.
furthermore the person infront of her was a stranger. =.="
uncle sam was so scary. but he was in good mood that he came and say me.
he thought samm was from jap and all. then he had to geh kiang speak english with me.
thanks uh. then was it da dong or yalun? alright cant rmb.
was being real purposely to dd. but i said he had cramps in his face when he smile to him.
and he was =.="
yalun was fuming after hearing what i say lah! hahaha damn funny.
but i rmb me and reb were laughing away damn loudly on the stage pls.
yiru nth to say.
chase then they went to eat at jumbo.
the fans was totally glued to the combi they werent even able to open the door.
reb and me went over to wc's side. then i think he got pissed with our hands.
because we kept covering his camera purposely. lol.
the toilet was horrifying.
yalun's microphone voice was unbearable. so like attention seeking.
got ahbeng gong guan smmore.
they went toilet twice and walked past. wuzun wasnt there.
waited till arnd 1am+?
den they came out..
wanted to be geh kiang and take photo with yalun. but we are losers lah. no balls and we got no camera with us. HAHA.
so i decided cannot lose out. so i went to irritate yalun bout his yummy stuffs on the shirt again.
haha. this time round he really got fooled lah.
it shows that all the time he heard me lah, just trying to ignore and stay cool. haha
then we cabbed home.
went sch for wds online quiz. wah lao. shitty results.
then i went home. HAHA i travelled so far and so long just to do the 20mins quiz.
mummy said i was mad.
den i slacked and went to meet steph and reb at town.
went to sch again. hahaha. for cmaths1 test.
luckily i went. because i excelled in that. i got 21/23.
after test went to meet steph at town again.
ate at kobayashi. had ebi rice again.
steph is a mad dbsk fan. i shall not say why. haha.
then cabbed to tm.
slacked at mac. den after event cabbed back to hotel again. hahaha
waited and went home. the asshole went heeren i think.

yes. no lectures for me again. i didnt attend lectures for 3 weeks alr. totally out of track.
guessed the flight. was wrong still. but we still got to see him.
only less than 20 saw?
alright really damn yummy looking pls.
and yes. TAG CARE. he heard me being sarcastic. lol.
we went to eat at macdonalds. and went to tm. roamed arnd.
had brownie and strawberry summer icecream.
then home.